Empathy is More Than Words

Empathy is More Than Words

Empathy is More Than Words

Once you understand empathy, you have a better chance of resolving problems in your NeuroDivergent relationship. 

Join us for today’s episode where Dr. Kathy delves into the characteristics of both the Empathy Triad-Sensitive person and the Empathy Triad-Blind person.

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1:02 Defining Empathy
1:47 The Empathy triad-sensitive person (the NeuroTypical)
7:31 Client Story
9:59 The Empathy Triad-blind person (the NeuroDiverse)

Check out Dr. Kathy’s latest book, “Empathy is More Than Words: Introducing Groundbreaking Tools for NeuroDivergent Relationships” 

➡️ Follow Dr. Kathy on Facebook

➡️ Find Dr. Kathy’s Website Here

➡️If you’re looking for resources for NeuroDivergent relationships, check out Dr. Kathy’s FREE Mini-Course

Isolated and Alone: Being Frozen Out of Life Within a NeuroDivergent Relationship

Isolated and Alone: Being Frozen Out of Life Within a NeuroDivergent Relationship

Isolated and Alone: Being Frozen Out of Life Within a NeuroDivergent Relationship

This episode is a special Fathers’ Day message where Dr. Kathy speaks about the similarities she and her dad share having had to navigate a marriage with a spouse on the spectrum.

Join us for today’s episode as Dr. Kathy discusses what it’s like being the NeuroTypical family member who no one understands.

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1:02 Fathers’ Day Message: On Being Frozen Out of Life
4:51 A realization and an existential dilemma
7:10 What goes on in the chaos of a NeuroDivergent relationship

Check out Dr. Kathy’s latest book, “Empathy is More Than Words: Introducing Groundbreaking Tools for NeuroDivergent Relationships” 

➡️ Follow Dr. Kathy on Facebook

➡️ Find Dr. Kathy’s Website Here

➡️If you’re looking for resources for NeuroDivergent relationships, check out Dr. Kathy’s FREE Mini-Course

How Chat GPT Sheds Light on NeuroDiversity

How Chat GPT Sheds Light on NeuroDiversity

How Chat GPT Sheds Light on NeuroDiversity

Recently, one of Dr. Kathy’s NeuroDivergent clients took to Chat GPT to ask how to navigate interactions in his relationship with a NeuroTypical individual.

While some of the advice and tips it gave are great, many of what it recommended is not possible for a NeuroDiverse individual, such as interactional conversations or paraphrasing.

In today’s episode Dr. Kathy discusses whether or not Chat GPT can be used as a modern day translator for a NeuroDivergent relationship.

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1:10 Defining NeuroTypical and NeuroDiverse
4:30 Listening with Intention or “reading between the lines”
7:35 Asking Chat GPT questions about NeuroDivergent relationships
18:39 An interaction with Bianca (Dr. Kathy’s daughter)
22:14 Trying to understand how to paraphrase
24:05 An Interactional connection
25:53 Chat GPT probably can’t teach you how to connect in a NeuroDivergent relationship

Check out Dr. Kathy’s latest book, “Empathy is More Than Words: Introducing Groundbreaking Tools for NeuroDivergent Relationships” 

➡️ Follow Dr. Kathy on Facebook

➡️ Find Dr. Kathy’s Website Here

➡️If you’re looking for resources for NeuroDivergent relationships, check out Dr. Kathy’s FREE Mini-Course

Chit Chat: Communicating in between the lines

Chit Chat: Communicating in between the lines

Chit Chat: Communicating in between the lines

“Chitchat” or what is commonly known as that in-between the lines, empathic language is what NeuroTypicals use to connect with others or initiate a conversation.

However, NeuroDiverse folks face challenges in interpreting nuances in conversation, such as reading between the lines or engaging in casual conversation. For them, words hold literal meaning without any hidden layers or deeper significance.

In today’s episode Dr. Kathy dives into the intricacies of this topic, sheddling light on the differences in communication styles between NeuroTypicals and NeuroDiverse individuals.

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1:03 Chitchat and how NeuroTypicals use it
1:48 A conversation with my Autistic daughter
4:49 A song by Andy Joyce
9:52 How do we bridge the gap
13:41 Small talk is not BS
15:57 Forgive each other and meet halfway

Check out Dr. Kathy’s latest book, “Empathy is More Than Words: Introducing Groundbreaking Tools for NeuroDivergent Relationships” 

➡️ Follow Dr. Kathy on Facebook

➡️ Find Dr. Kathy’s Website Here

➡️If you’re looking for resources for NeuroDivergent relationships, check out Dr. Kathy’s FREE Mini-Course

Love in the Chaos of Autism

Love in the Chaos of Autism

Love in the Chaos of Autism

Join us today as Dr. Kathy reads a letter to each of her daughters, Bianca and Phoebe, recalling her memories of their upbringing. She speaks about:

  • The moments that lead her to the realization that one of her children and her husband were NeuroDiverse.
  • How the stress of living with two NeuroDiverse family members affects her NeuroTypical child.
  • The events leading up to the writing of her books and the development of her courses.

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1:38 Letter To Bianca, my daughter
3:43 To Phoebe my greatest teacher
5:44 Distil the essence of NeuroDiversity

Check out Dr. Kathy’s latest book, “Empathy is More Than Words: Introducing Groundbreaking Tools for NeuroDivergent Relationships” 

➡️ Follow Dr. Kathy on Facebook

➡️ Find Dr. Kathy’s Website Here

➡️If you’re looking for resources for NeuroDivergent relationships, check out Dr. Kathy’s FREE Mini-Course

Take your life personally – Dedicated to the ones I love

Take your life personally - Dedicated to the ones I love

Take your life personally - Dedicated to the ones I love

Join us today as Dr. Kathy takes us behind the scenes of her life and shares with us why she takes her life personally and why you should, too.

Listen as she shares an edited excerpt from her book, “Empathy is More Than Words,” recalls her brief visit to a county jail, and how the life of the personal is a source of strength.

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2:54 When Empathy Fails excerpt
4:14 its about being strong
6:40 the action plan to take your life personally

Check out Dr. Kathy’s latest book, “Empathy is More Than Words: Introducing Groundbreaking Tools for NeuroDivergent Relationships” 

➡️ Follow Dr. Kathy on Facebook

➡️ Find Dr. Kathy’s Website Here

➡️If you’re looking for resources for NeuroDivergent relationships, check out Dr. Kathy’s FREE Mini-Course

What is NeuroDiversity? And Why We Need NeuroDiversity Social Advocacy

What is NeuroDiversity? And Why We Need NeuroDiversity Social Advocacy

What is NeuroDiversity? And Why We Need NeuroDiversity Social Advocacy

Join us today as Dr. Kathy dives into how much of the social justice movement around NeuroDiversity often leaves out the experience of the NeuroTypical loved ones and the challenges that come along with the relationship.

She also discusses tools to bridge the gap between the colliding worlds of NeuroDiverse and NeuroTypical, including her 7 step interface protocol.

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2:00 Defining NeuroDiversity
5:20 Support NeuroDiversity with respect + introducing NeuroDivergent relationship challenges
12:22 High functioning Autism and navigating true change
13:20 groundbreaking tools

Check out Dr. Kathy’s latest book, “Empathy is More Than Words: Introducing Groundbreaking Tools for NeuroDivergent Relationships” 

➡️ Follow Dr. Kathy on Facebook

➡️ Find Dr. Kathy’s Website Here

➡️If you’re looking for resources for NeuroDivergent relationships, check out Dr. Kathy’s FREE Mini-Course