An International Support Group facilitated by Dr. Marshack. This Video Conference is only for members of Meetup. Click here for membership details and to register for this call.
WHEN: Wednesday, October 14th at 12 pm Pacific Time
Am I Codependent?
Of course, you are. You can’t help it.
The moment your Aspie leaves something undone, you take over; that’s codependency. The moment your Aspie walks away before you’ve finished your sentence, and you let it go or follow him/her around trying to be heard; that’s codependency. The moment you make excuses to others for your Aspie’s rude or thoughtless conduct; that’s codependency. The moment you warn your children to avoid annoying their Aspie parent or sibling; that’s codependency.
The worst part about codependency is waking up one day to realize that you’ve become so codependent, that you’re not sure who you are anymore. You have fully become the structure underpinning the life of another. Your own sense of self and your self worth are non-existent. Evidence of you still exists in the form of memories when you used to laugh and be creative, and you could sleep peacefully instead of fitfully. Shall I go on?
The instructions for the Zoom call will be emailed to participants during the morning of the event. The fee is $18.95. Please check your Meetup settings to make sure you are able to receive emails.
If you have any issues or you haven’t received your email, please contact Kathleen, Dr. Kathy’s assistant, at [email protected]