VIDEO CONFERENCE: Why do we feel so misunderstood?

An International Support Group facilitated by Dr. Marshack. This Video Conference is only for members of Meetup. Click here for membership details and to register for this call.
TOPIC: VIDEO CONFERENCE: Why do we feel so misunderstood?
WHEN: Monday, January 25th, 3 pm PST
A huge problem for NTs is finding ways to explain our lives with high functioning ASD family members. Many of us feel misunderstood at the best and shunned at the worst. The reactions we get from others cause us to pull away and live quietly with our despair. Of course, this is understandable but the last thing you should do.
I wrote my two books to help get out the word about what we live with. “Going Over the Edge” and “Out of Mind – Out of Sight” have brought interesting feedback regarding this problem of understanding. From NTs around the world, I have been told that my books are like oxygen in a life without air. From some with ASD, I am told that they have a window into the world of their NT loved ones. But from many with ASD, the feedback is hostile. I can count on one hand the feedback I receive from NTs who do not live with ASD.
It might be true that the only understanding we may get is from others who live this life. That’s a start, but it’s still pretty isolating, isn’t it? What we need to do is stop hiding in plain sight. We need to talk about what we live with and never be stopped by a lack of understanding. We need to trust our instincts and press ahead with what we know is the truth even if others are hostile. For example, my publisher was smacked with some pretty offensive feedback with my first book, but the book became a best seller for them anyway.
Not everyone here wants to write a book, but let’s gather together on this call to discuss ways we can stand up, speak out, and talk back.
You will be able to see the Zoom link for this conference on the event page on MeetUp after you pay the event fee. The fee is $18.95. After you register to attend, please click the Zoom link and join at the time of the video conference.