VIDEO CONFERENCE: Surviving Unremitting Grief

An International Support Group facilitated by Dr. Marshack. This Video Conference is only for members of MeetupClick here for membership details and to register for this call.

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Topic: VIDEO CONFERENCE: Surviving Unremitting Grief

When: Tuesday, September 20th at 9 am Pacific Time

I don’t have to tell you how it feels to have unremitting grief, do I? There are so many levels to our grief, due to the life we live with our loved ones on the Spectrum.

There is the grief over the lost dream of a relationship with an empathic partner.

There is the grief over the chronic verbal abuse.

There is the grief of raising our children in the chaos of these relationships.

There is the grief of never being able to have a voice in our lives.

There is even the grief over never being able to help our NeuroDiverse spouse know that there is more, so much more to love and relating.

We will only touch the tip of the iceberg at this video conference, but I hope it is a beginning for you. I hope it is an opportunity to know that you are not alone; that unremitting grief is a normal outcome of these very tough relationships.

You will be able to see the Zoom link for this conference on the event page after you pay the event fee. The fee is $21.95. After you register to attend, please click the Zoom link and join at the time of the video conference. The event fee is non-refundable.

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The event is finished.


Tuesday, September 20th 2022


9:00 am - 10:00 am


Dr. Kathy Marshack


Dr. Kathy Marshack
[email protected]

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