VIDEO CONFERENCE: Patterns of “Aspie” Communication
An International Support Group facilitated by Dr. Marshack. This Video Conference is only for members of Meetup. Click here for membership details and to register for this call.
TOPIC: VIDEO CONFERENCE: Patterns of “Aspie” Communication
WHEN: Tuesday, January 18th, 4PM PT
If you are to understand and relate and communicate with your ASD loved one, you will need to be a scientist. Once you understand their patterns, you have a better chance of connecting in their world. Their patterns are relatively simple. It’s kind of like algebra or quantitative methods. You just need the right formula.
It took me forever to break the code because I was trying to understand them from an NT perspective. Once I let go of that notion, I could more easily see the patterns they use to make sense of the world.
It’s like wandering around in a foreign country for a few days. Once you get your bearings, you can read the street signs, or a menu even when you don’t speak the language. We have to do this for our loved ones on the spectrum because they can’t do this for us.
We could talk for hours about their patterns, so let’s get started here. More to come later.
Please make sure you have a quiet, uninterrupted space to call in.
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