VIDEO CONFERENCE: Oh, those red flags! How did I not see the “Asperger Syndrome”?
When you have been in these relationships for a few years, many of our members report dismay that they didn’t listen to their intuition about those “red flags” that emerged at the beginning of their relationship with their “Aspie.” Often there is a sense of remorse and even feeling that life has passed them by.
Sadly, it seems that only with hindsight can we see the patterns that were only partially observable at the beginning of these relationships. Plus there is the usual blinders that come with new love. On the other hand, it is possible that what you fell in love with is still part of the equation.
During this video conference, I want to help you let go of your regrets and forgive yourselves. You didn’t notice those red flags because no one understood the relationship dynamics of an NT/ASD relationship back then. Yes, you wouldn’t have made so many blunders had you known, but you are in good company. None of us knew.
Make sure you have a private place to talk, without interruption. I will send you reminders of this Zoom conference, but if you don’t have your email set to receive the reminders, you may not notice. I would hate to have you miss the call, so make sure you’re able to get my messages.