VIDEO CONFERENCE: No More Power Struggles for NeuroDivergent Couples
An International Support Group facilitated by Dr. Marshack. This Video Conference is only for members of Meetup. Click here for membership details and to register for this call.
Topic: VIDEO CONFERENCE: No More Power Struggles for NeuroDivergent Couples
When: Tuesday, April 5th at 9 am Pacific Time
I don’t have an easy answer for this one actually. All of the platitudes for avoiding power struggles or disengaging when they start, just don’t seem to work with our loved ones on the Spectrum.
They can be so determined that we are wrong that they won’t let up. It’s as if there’s a volcano inside that is overflowing and can’t be stopped even when we capitulate.
Power Struggles are different than meltdowns. They aren’t due to sensory overload or some other emotional disequilibrium. Rather it is the black and white thinking that seems to stump them. Without empathy, they seize on a small point of disagreement and take it to the extreme.
I plan to use this time to talk more about why our NeuroDiverse family members engage in power struggles, but even more important is how to protect ourselves from these difficult moments.
Here’s the feedback of a member who attended this topic when I hosted it three years ago:
“Very thankful to have been able to join this conference; a first glimpse at hope and the possibility of reclaiming “me”. The darkness and despair have been so profound and the juxtaposition of loving my husband and in the same breadth utterly hating the way he behaves and the seemingly unending verbal and emotional abuse. Lots for me to learn! Very thankful that others are willing to be transparent and share their journey and learning and struggles.”
Please make sure you have a quiet, uninterrupted space to call in.
You will be able to see the Zoom link for this conference on the event page after you pay the event fee. The fee is $21.95. After you register to attend, please click the Zoom link and join at the time of the video conference. The event fee is non-refundable.
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