TELECONFERENCE: What’s love got to do with it?
Love is a big topic in December because of the holiday emphasis. It’s sweet when you think about it, and a great reminder. But those of use in ASD/NT relationships have a hard time with love. We feel love for our ASD loved ones, but we aren’t so sure they love us. At least the love doesn’t feel the same. Like maybe they love some aspect of you, but not the whole, deeper you.
At this teleconference let’s take a deep dive into just what love means to our “Aspies” and how that squares with what love means to the NT. It’s a tough subject but so important if you are going to stay true to yourself. Yes even in love it is important to stay true to yourself.
This teleconference is reserved for members of “ASPERGER SYNDROME & RELATIONSHIPS: Life with an Adult on the Autism Spectrum.” Please come prepared to protect your privacy and those on the call. I will send you reminders by email, so it is important to set your email to accept my emails. Otherwise you will miss this important call. Thank you.