TELECONFERENCE: How to Win the Argument Through Detachment
A free International Support Group facilitated by Dr. Marshack. This Teleconference is only for members of Meetup. Click here for membership details and to register for this call.
Topic: TELECONFERENCE: How to Win the Argument Through Detachment
Friday August 16, 2019, 1:00pm – 1:50pm PDT
How to win the argument through detachment. Does this even seem possible? And yet, it is the only way to get past the “Aspie” need to win and dominate.
Read carefully. If we step into the “Aspie” arena of win-lose by trying to be reasonable or even match wits with your “Aspie” you are likely to lose. That’s because we NTs generally strive for a win-win solution.
Staying out of the win-lose world is accomplished by detaching from your need to get a reasonable response from your partner. Instead focus on your goal and never move your eye from it.
Stay neutral. Be clear about your goal. Remain firm in your conviction. With this approach you have a fighting chance. It doesn’t always go your way, of course, but it is much more likely that your “Aspie” will accept your goal if you don’t give them explanations to shoot down.
I know it doesn’t quite seem a win-win, but it is if you think about it. Your “Aspie” knows what you want, and you get a fighting chance to have it.
Please come to the call with a private place to listen and chat. This call is only for members. Thank you.