TELECONFERENCE: Get the guilt out of the way
Why do we feel so darned guilty in these relationships with ASD loved ones? It’s pretty simple really. NTs accept responsibility for doing what we can to improve the relationship — while our “Aspie” loved one does not. Over and over again, when we hit a wall with our “Aspie” we search for another approach. And each time we fail, we feel badly.
Another reason for the guilt is that our “Aspies” are more than willing to hold us accountable for the problems. After all, they are doing their best and if it doesn’t work, it must be us — or so their reasoning goes.
At this teleconference we are going to lay open this false belief system, both the NT notion that we are guilty for failing to reach our ASD loved ones, and the notion that there is no fault if you intended no fault (an ASD kind of logic).
This teleconference is reserved for members of “ASPERGER SYNDROME & RELATIONSHIPS: Life with an Adult on the Autism Spectrum.” Please come prepared to protect your privacy and those on the call. I will send you reminders by email, so it is important to set your email to accept my emails. Otherwise you will miss this important call. Thank you.