FREE TELECONFERENCE: Yes, People on the Spectrum Do Lie
An International Support Group facilitated by Dr. Marshack. This Teleconference is only for members of Meetup. Click here for membership details and to register for this call.
Topic: FREE TELECONFERENCE: Yes, People on the Spectrum Do Lie
When: Thursday, October 13th at 1 PM Pacific Time
I am not sure who started the rumor that those with people on the Spectrum do not lie, and even that they are incapable of lying. Clearly, this is not true.
Sadly, all people lie, but how Autistics lie is unique. It is that uniqueness that gums up our relationships. Without empathy, NeuroDiverse people lie similarly to narcissists. They aren’t considering how we will feel when they lie to us. They aren’t even considering a “smooth” way to lie. They just lie to avoid confrontation, anxiety, being wrong, or any number of reasons the rest of us may lie.
When confronted with their lies, people on the Spectrum have a variety of defenses that mimic narcissists too. They tell us they “never said that.” They elaborate on the lie. They change the subject. They ignore us. They even lie when the truth would work better. What’s with that? It might just be that they need help with what I call the Rules of Engagement. They don’t always have the social awareness that lying will cause harm to the relationship. Once they get this, they try harder.
This is a tough subject, so please join this event to discuss it together.
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