Why is it so Hard for My ASD Partner to Take Responsibility for Their Actions?

Why is it so Hard for My ASD Partner to Take Responsibility  for Their Actions?

It requires Empathy to take responsibility for your actions, and many NeuroDiverse people assume all is well just because they meant well.

Awarness can be a start BUT there is no substitute to being able to rise above one’s own feelings and really listen to the heart of another person.

Join Dr. Kathy in this episode of NeuroDivergent Relationships where she dives into the topic, “Why is it so Hard for my ASD Partner to Take Responsibility for Their Actions?

Want to skip ahead? Episode Highlights

1:01 Why is it so Hard for my ASD Partner to Take Responsibility for Their Actions?
2:54 Anticipate How Others Will Feel
5:37 When You’re Just Trying to Connect
6:25 Can Awareness Substitute for Empathy?
7:29 A Response to a Blog of Mine, “Empathy, ‘Asperger’ Style”
8:47 Taking Responsibility for Your Actions is a Moral Choice

Check out Dr. Kathy’s latest book, “Life with a Partner or Spouse with Asperger Syndrome (ASD): Going over the Edge? Anniversary Edition

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➡️If you’re looking for resources for NeuroDivergent relationships, check out Dr. Kathy’s FREE Mini-Course

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